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Monday, April 19, 2021

Monday, May 11, 2020

Writing: My Feelings

Complete the missing feelings in your notebook.

1. I get ______ when I run for one hour.
2. I am _______ when I don't see my grandmother and grandfather.
3. I feel  _______ when I play with my friends.
4. I am ________ when I don't eat.
5. I feel _________ when I see a spider.

Wordbank: scared, tired, sad, happy,bored, confused, worried, angry, curious, disgusted, suspecious, shocked, hot, cold, hungry, thirsty.

Extra game click here on PLAY

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Home Activities VII: Verb to Be

LESSON 1............................45 minutes


Activity 1: Watch the following video about feelings and emotions.

Activity 2: Watch the video: How do you feel? 

Activity 3: Go to Publicaciones in Teams and open  Vocabulary 6: Feelings and Emotions.
Complete the activities, too.

LESSON 2............................45 minutes

Verb to be

PRESENTATION       Verb to Be: am - is- are

Activity 1: Let's sing!

Activity 2: Watch the following video about verb to be.

Activity 3: Read the Verb to Be. 

LESSON 3............................45 minutes

ASSESSMENT      Verb to be and Emotions

Read and complete the Quick Quiz. Click on send.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Home Activities VI: Singular and Plural Nouns

LESSON 1........................45 minutes
Review of Nouns

Activity 1: Let's watch this video to remember the NOUNS.

Activity 2: Let's complete pages 47, 50 and 55.

LESSON 2........................45 minutes


Activity 1: Watch the video about Singular and Plural Nouns.    

Activity 2:  Singular and Plural Differences.

Activity 3:  Singular and Plural 3 Rules for -s,-es and -ies endings.


Activity 4:  Copy the rules for plural nouns: 
                    -s, -es, and -ies.

View on Vocaroo >>

Activity 5:  Practice the irregular plurals. Listen and repeat the words.

Irregular plural nouns 

LESSON 3........................45 minutes

Practice and Assessment

Activity 1:  Complete pages 62,65 and 71 at TAREAS/ Work 6 SINGULAR VS PLURAL NOUNS.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Home Activities V: What Do You Do in the Lockdown?

View on Vocaroo >>

LESSON 1.....................................45 minutos


Activity 1        Open the PPT and practice Vocabulary 4.


View on Vocaroo >>

Activity 2    Copy Vocabulary 4 words in your notebook.

Activity 3    Choose 2 words from Vocabulary 4 and write 2 declarative sentences in your notebook. Be creative.



LESSON 2.....................................45 minutos


Activity 1     Watch and sing this song.

Activity 2      Click on the audio.   Complete this Quick Quiz from Vocabulary 4.

LESSON 3.....................................45 minutos


Activity 1     Watch this song and repeat it.

Activity 2    Open Work 5 in TAREAS. Complete LESSON 3. Answer for you.  Read and put an X in the boxes.

What things do you do in the lockdown?

LESSON 4.....................................45 minutos


Activity 1     Share at the class meeting what you do during the lockdown. Use and tell the sentences you chose on Activity 2, lesson 3. It is not necessary to write your sentences.

For example: What do you do in the lockdown?

                   I help out around the house. I take online classes. I stay home safe from Covid 19.   I wash my hands many times a day. I read books and dance and sing.

Optional: You can make a short video or audio about the things that you do in the lockdown.  Be creative. Then, you can upload it in TAREAS as an audio file.


By Mrs. Seremet 🍎

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Home Activities IV: Diary of a Spider

LESSON 1......................45 minutes


Activity 1       Click on the audio. Click on the slides.


Activity 2       Match. Click on the worksheet. Drag the pictures from Vocabulary 3 to the words. (Go to a new page).

Please do not send it to me. It is for you to practice online.

Vocabulary Words: Diary of a Spider 

Activity 3       Copy the words. Choose 2 words from Vocabulary 3 and write 2 declarative sentences in your notebook. 

OPTIONAL : Activity 4     Record your sentences and send them to me to Publicaciones.  

Recording - Improve Your Accent




It's dancing time!  Watch the video and relax!

It is a surprise!

Adventure Time Dancing GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY



Excellent! Now, continue with LESSON 2


LESSON 2......................45 minutes


Activity 1       Listen to and read the text.

Today we will read a story about one of the least favorite animals of all: spiders.  

Do you like spiders? Would you like a spider for a pet? If your answer was NO, you probably are suffering of arachnophobia, which is fear for spiders.

But the spider on this story is a little bit different from the other spiders you know.

Some people find spiders so scary that they might run away when they see a little one. A little one!

Let's read and see if we can change our minds about these little animals.

Activity 2       Read along the videostory below.

Activity 3       It is your turn to read the text.

Open the interactive e-book here. Go to page 107. Click on MY BOOK.

Activity 4      Spelling Practice
Open the Spelling list. Click on the 16 words from the  LIST.



LESSON 3......................45 minutes


Activity 1      Watch this video about NOUNS

Activity 2      Spin the spinner. Say a noun you see below.


Activity 3      Read this picture about the nouns.

Activity 4      Let's play!  Please activate  ADOBE FLASH PLAYER. 

EASY GAME   Categorize the nouns. Tell if it is a person, animal, thing or place.



LESSON 4......................45 minutes


Activity 1      Go to TAREAS to complete WORK 4,  LESSON 4.

 Diary Of A Spider

1. Type or write what is missing.



The characters in the story are

The places in the story are

Favorite Part
My Rating

My favorite part is when

Choose one number.
1. I didn’t like it at all.
2. I didn’t like it much.
3. I liked the story.
4. I loved the story.
5. The story was amazing and I will recommend it.

2. Choose 2 words from Vocabulary 3 and write 2 declarative sentences. Start on a capital letter and end on a period.
My Sentences
 Spiders make sticky webs to catch insects.
Word 1:

Word 2:

                                                                                                                   Mrs. Seremet

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Home Activities III: Dogs

LESSON 1.....................................45 minutes

PRESENTATION    Before reading

1. Open the PPT and practice reading the new words and sentences.

2. It is your turn to read the words. Click on the audio to listen to them and repeat them.

EXPLANATION     Words to Know

3. Write the words from Vocabulary 2 as a list in your notebook.

4. Complete the missing letters in TAREAS/ WORK 3. 

Vocabulary 2: DOGS

H__i__y   =  (adjective) A lot of hair
Gu__s__     =  (verb) to try to find an answer
M__m__als        =   (noun) a type of animal with hair, warm blooded and born alive
W__lv__s  =  (noun) wild cousins of dogs
M__s__     = (adverb) a big part of something
__it__er =     (noun) siblings, group of brothers and sisters
St__y__d =    (verb in past form) did not move from a place
C__nn__d=     (noun) food in a can
Ch_ ws=     (verb) to eat
__l__y   f__t__h    =    (phrase) to throw and catch something
C__at  =  (noun) fur that covers an animal
__ew__p__pe__      =    (noun) a paper with the news

5. Extra activity: choose two words and write two sentences.

For example:

Mammals= Bears and dolphins are mammals.

Canned= My dog eats canned food.

LESSON 2.....................................45 minutes

PRACTICE 1        Read "DOGS"

View on Vocaroo >>
1.  Watch and read the videostory.


2. Click here on STORY and write page 75 to go to DOGS.

3. Practice the words from the list. Click on the words to listen and spell them right.

LESSON 3.....................................45 minutes


1. Watch this video about the 4 Types of Sentences.

2. Read the 4 Types of Sentences.

3. Sing along the 4 Types of Sentences Song.

4. Play time. Click on GAME to play.

LESSON 4.....................................45 minutes


1. Click here on STORY and write page 75 to go to DOGS.

2. Complete IDEA MAP  (see next page). Choose 2 interrogative and 2 declarative sentences from the story and write them on the idea map.

You can print it and take a picture.

You can answer using your computer.

Use the story to help you.

When you finish, upload English 3  in TAREAS.

By Mrs. Seremet 🍎

Nice to See You Again!